February 24, 2009
Volume 5, Issue 8
A new screw for hostile environments Micro Plastics, Inc. has a new line of molded Nylon 6/6 Shoulder Screws that are electrically insulating, non-magnetic with a high strength-to-weight ratio – perfect for hostile corrosive environments. These socket-head shoulder screws are offered in more than 40 sizes. Other nylon screw styles available include binder, binder combination,
fillister, pan, round, socket, oval, flat, thumb, studs, grubs, flat-head wing and polycarbonate. For more information and free samples from catalog #38.
Click here.
In this issue of Designfax:
- Inspecting 2,000 Different Circuit Breakers
- 4-Arm Parallel Robot Has 2x Speed
- More Power From Bumps In The Road
- Wheels: Fine-Tuning Bentley Suspensions
- 5-Star Product: Hard-Body Encoders
- Engineer's Toolbox: Test Drive A Free Cable Carrier
- NEW Videos+: World's Fastest Pick & Place Robot, 100 MPG Hybrid Update
- Products: Electrical/Electronic, Mechanical, Motion
- Special Products: Sensors
- Cover Image: GenShock Photo Courtesy: Zack Anderson
Feature Articles
2,000 different circuit breakers — 100% inspection
The Osiswitch Compact line at Télémécanique, a Schneider Electric brand, makes circuit breakers. This production line can create up to 2,000 different product types from just 100 different components. Each circuit breaker is manually assembled, so a 100% reliable automated inspection of the individual components is essential to verify that each breaker meets order specs before packaging. Inspections at another job site can even be viewed remotely from thousands of miles away. Read the full article
Choose a 4-arm parallel robot for 2x speed
SCARA, 6-axis, and Cartesian robots are commonly used in high-speed manufacturing. But what if you’re looking for that next step up? What if you need twice the productivity from the same amount of factory space, aiming to pick parts from a moving conveyor belt at more than 150 pieces per minute? Read the full article
True USB Load Cells make load/force measurement a snap! Loadstar Sensors' award winning capacitive load cells offer direct measurement of static loads/forces via the USB port of a PC. No need for signal conditioners, data acquisition systems or special software. The sensors are fully integrated into a single package and offer unmatched ease of use. Just connect and start measuring! Available for compression or tension forces. For further information and 10% off coupon just click here.
More power from bumps in the road
A team of MIT undergraduate students has invented a shock absorber that harnesses energy from small bumps in the road, generating electricity while it smoothes the ride more effectively than conventional shocks. The students hope to initially find customers among companies that operate large fleets of heavy vehicles. They have already drawn interest from the U.S. military and several truck manufacturers. Read the full article
Wheels: Fine-tuning Bentley suspensions gets less suspenseful
Particularly close attention is paid to the suspensions on cars from Bentley Motors, which must be specially designed to withstand the high loads produced in such large cars and finely tuned to provide the ride and handling performance associated with the Bentley name. The company is using LMS load data processing technology to double testing speeds for their impeccably tuned suspensions. Read the full article
5-Star Product: Hard-body encoders get immersed in their work
High-performance OnAxis magnetic encoders bring robust armored construction, a simple mounting system, small size, and low purchase price to demanding motor control, shaft position, and velocity measurement applications for OEMs. Read the full article
Engineer's Toolbox: Test drive a free cable carrier
Who doesn't love a freebie — especially when it can save you so many headaches? Cable innovator igus is giving away free cable carrier and continuous-flex cable samples as part of its newly launched Sample Test Drive Program. Read the full article
Videos+: World's Fastest Pick & Place Robot, 100 MPG Hybrid Update
NEW! World's Fastest Pick & Place Robot
What does part-picking on a moving conveyor look like at 180 pieces per minute? You can see for yourself by watching Adept Technology's Quattro s650 4-arm parallel robot in action grabbing ball bearings. There's also a great video of Kit Kat handling on this page … and who doesn't like watching Kit Kats? View the video
NEW! Progress Report: Raser Technologies Ready To Roll 100-mpg SUV Hybrid
Battery-pack set-backs haven't stopped Raser in its bid to produce a full-size SUV plug-in hybrid electric (PHEV) demonstration vehicle incorporating the company’s 200-kW Symetron traction motor. Road tests are set to begin in March. View the video
New Products